ARG-Software Common Controls Library ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What's new in the latest version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [!] Important [+] New [-] Fixed error [*] Changes [NNNNN] Issue Id --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 6.4.001 - 2021-12-19 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- General ~~~~~~~ [!][*] Some anti-viruses may block access to the library files, because they detect them (False Positive) as viruses or so. Other internal fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 6.4.000 - 2021-11-20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- General ~~~~~~~ [!][+] Added support for VFP Advanced (64-bit). For more information visit: Other internal fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 6.3.000 - 2019-04-04 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- General ~~~~~~~ [!][+] Added support for VFP Advanced (32-bit only). For more information visit: Other internal fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 6.2.000 - 2017-09-02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- General ~~~~~~~ [!][*] If you use Common Controls library controls with controls from the Command Bars library, make sure you use the latest release (10.0, or later) of the Command Bars Library. Other internal fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 6.1.000 - 2011-04-20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- General ~~~~~~~ [!][*] If you use Common Controls library controls with controls from the Command Bars library, make sure you use the latest release (8.2, or later) of the Command Bars Library. [-] Recreate method of some controls may cause API errors, if controls are located on the form with Command Bars. DateTimePicker control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [-] NULL (or empty Date/DateTime) value stored to the Value property disables control. Other internal fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 6.0.005 - 2010-10-21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- StatusBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [-] Indicators (StatusBar panels with Indicator property set to non-zero value) do not work. Internal fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 6.0.004 - 2010-10-14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 6.0.003 - 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 6.0.002 - 2009-12-30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- StatusBar panel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [*] You can set Visible property of the panel in the Builder so there is no need to hide/show it at run-time in the Init event of the form. In addition, Builder supports statusbar panels reordering. Other internal fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 6.0.001 - 2009-12-29 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- StatusBar panel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [+] PanelStyle property. Specifies the panel style and behavior. Makes sence only if used with Command Bars Library. Values: 0 - Regular (default); 1 - Button; TrackBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [!][-][377] Tooltips on TrackBar are not reversed when Reversed property is set to .T. [+] ToolTipPosition property. Specifies the tooltip position. Values: 0 - Top/Left (default); 1 - Bottom/Right; Top and Bottom for horizontal trackbars, Left and Right for vertical trackbars. Other internal fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 6.0.000 - 2009-12-13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ProgressBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [+] Appears themed according selected VisualTheme and ColorScheme of the CommandBarsManager object. Applies only when used on the form with Command Bars. ScrollBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [+] ShowAsSlider property. Specifies whether the scroll bar appears as a slider (trackbar with a thumb and "-" "+" signs relatively on the left and right ends of control) and themed according selected VisualTheme and ColorScheme. Applies only when used on the form with Command Bars. StatusBar panel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [+] Visible property. Specifies whether the panel is visible, or not. Other fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.010 - 2009-08-26 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minor changes, corrections and improvements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.009 - 2009-04-29 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ScrollBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [+][31] OnThumbMoving event. Fires when the user moves the scroll thumb. Syntax: OnThumbMoving( tnThumbPosition) Parameters: tnThumbPosition - current thumb position; [+] ScrollBar appears themed according selected VisualTheme, when works with Command Bars library. StatusBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [-][310] Incorrect display of non-ASCII (unicode) characters if the status bar is located on the form with command bars. Minor changes, corrections and improvements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.008 - 2008-10-26 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DateTimePicker control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [-][276] Windows Vista. Dropdown box is too small to fit calendar contents when the MC_ShowWeekNumbers property is set .T. Minor changes, corrections and improvements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.007 - 2008-09-20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ProgressBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [!][-][273] Marquee animation (the Marquee property is set to .T.) doesn't work on Windows Vista. Minor changes, corrections and improvements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.006 - 2008-07-01 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minor changes, corrections and improvements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.005 - 2008-06-24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- General ~~~~~~~ [!][-] Command Bars Library stops working regular way if you create/recreate controls from Common Controls Library after the InitCommandBars method. [!][-][260] The title bar of the form (with the TitleBar property set to 0) is flashing (gets displayed and then disappears) when controls from the library initialize. Other fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.004 - 2008-05-06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- StatusBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [!][-] Status bar panel with the Indicator property set to 8 (status bar text) may cause the CPU activity to shoot up to 100% when the status bar text is EMPTY() but not really empty ("") string. Other fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.003 - 2007-11-02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- StatusBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [-] Last pane with AutoSize property set to 2 (Contents) has incorrect width (additional trailing space) when the SizingGrip property of the StatusBar control is set to .T. Other fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.002 - 2007-05-03 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- StatusBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [-] Last pane has incorrect size when the status bar control used with Command Bars library and Office 2007 visual theme is selected. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.001 - 2007-04-24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- StatusBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [-] Panes have incorrect size and position when the status bar control used with Command Bars library. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.000 - 2007-04-20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- All controls ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [+] VisualThemeChanged event. Occurs when visual theme of Command Bars has changed. Allows to change the appearance of a control when visual theme changes. [+] Layout event. Occurs when a control should reposition its child controls. StatusBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [+] Support for advanced theming. The status bar appears themed when used on a form containing command bars. Other changes, corrections and improvements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.2.003 - 2007-01-31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minor changes, corrections and improvements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.2.002 - 2006-11-28 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minor changes and corrections --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.2.001 - 2006-11-23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minor changes and corrections --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.2.000 - 2006-11-22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ProgressBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [+] Marquee property. When it is set to .T. the progress bar moves like a marquee; default value is .F. Requires ComCtl32.dll version 6.00 or later. [+] MarqueeSpeed property. Time in milliseconds between marquee animation updates; default is 100 Other fixes, corrections and improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.1.006 - 2006-10-06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- General ~~~~~~~ [!][-] Memory leaks, unable to create more than 511 controls. Other fixes and corrections --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.1.005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- StatusBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [-] The status bar disappears after the Top-Level form was deactivated and then activated again. Only when used with the Command Bars Library and the AttachToFrame property of the CommandBarsManager object is set to .F. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.1.004 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- General ~~~~~~~ [-] "Single User" message may appear on some fast computers. [-] A dialog box " already exist, overwrite it?" may appear on some fast computers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.1.003 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- General ~~~~~~~ [-] TAB, ENTER and ESC keys do not work when controls have the keyboard focus --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.1.002 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minor changes and corrections --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.1.001 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ScrollBar control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [-] Setting the Value property at run-time doesn't change scrollbar value --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.1.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- N/A