Product Price List 
ARG-Software Product Price List 
 Sunday, February 23, 2025

Subscription Overview

The Support and Maintenance subscription provides you with technical support. In addition your subscription provides all new product releases and updates while your subscription is active. All of our products can be purchased with either a 30 day or 1 year of support and maintenance subscription. If your support and maintenance agreement has expired you can renew it by purchasing a "Subscription Renewal" within 30 days after expiration.

Renewal Eligibility

You must meet the following criteria to purchase a product support and maintenance subscription renewal:

  • You must have a current license for the product you are purchasing a subscription for.
  • It has not been more than 30 days since your subscription has expired.

If it has been more than 30 days since your support and maintenance subscription expired, we have Special Offers to all of our customers who wish to upgrade.

Product Price List

Command Bars Library 30 Day Subscription 1 Year Subscription Subscription Renewal
1 Developer License$120.00$230.00$120.00
4 Developers License$240.00$460.00$240.00
8 Developers License$480.00$920.00$480.00
Unlimited Site License$1200.00$2300.00$1200.00

Common Controls Library 30 Day Subscription 1 Year Subscription Subscription Renewal
1 Developer License$35.00$65.00$35.00
4 Developers License$70.00$130.00$70.00
8 Developers License$140.00$260.00$140.00
Unlimited Site License$350.00$650.00$350.00
(Registered Users *) 1 Developer License$10.00$30.00-

* - Applies to all registered users of previous version (4.5 or earlier) of the Common Controls library.

Outlook UI Library with Source Code * 30 Day Subscription 1 Year Subscription Subscription Renewal
1 Developer License-$200.00$100.00
2 Developers License-$300.00$165.00
4 Developers License-$400.00$220.00

* - Requires the Command Bars Library.

ArgTx Library 30 Day Subscription 1 Year Subscription Subscription Renewal
1 Developer License-$250.00$250.00
(Bundle *) 1 Developer License-$380.00-

* - Includes 1 Year subscriptions to the Command Bars and Common Controls libraries.

Messenger for Windows NT/2K/XP 30 Day Subscription 1 Year Subscription Subscription Renewal
1 User License---