Command Bars Library v.10.2
Command Bars Library provides Visual FoxPro developers with a sophisticated Office style Command Bars and
Office Fluent UI (Ribbon). Command Bars Library comes with built-in theme support that will allow you to choose
from predefined themes such as Office 2000, Office XP, Office 2003, Office 2007, Office 2010, or Visual Studio.
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Outlook UI Library v.2.6
Outlook UI Library provides Visual FoxPro developers with a sophisticated Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2003/2007/2010 style Navigation Pane.
* - requires the Command Bars Library.
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Common Controls Library v.6.4
Common Controls Library provides Visual FoxPro developers with popular
Windows common controls, it is not one more ActiveX and you do not need any ActiveX to use this library.
The Common Controls Library is a visual class library (VCX) that allows easy access to
Windows common controls from Visual FoxPro applications.
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ArgTx Library v.2.1
ArgTx Library provides Visual FoxPro developers with a complete integration of the industry leading ActiveX TextControl into a sophisticated Office Fluent UI (Ribbon).
ArgTx Library comes with built-in theme support that will allow to choose from predefined themes and color schemes such as Office 2007/2010 and Windows 7.
* - requires the Command Bars and Common Controls libraries.
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All Licenses are Permanent, Non-Expiring
Your licese for this version (and 1 year (1 month for 30 Days subscription) of updates) is permanent, non-expiring and does NOT require renewal of any kind.
You get FREE updates for 12 months (1 month for 30 Days subscription) and the right to indefinitely use any version released during that period.
If you choose to upgrade, then you can renew your expired subscription at that time for
a special discounted price (more info...).
Royalty Free Distribution
Means you can freely distribute your application using our products without any additional costs! After your purchase no additional fees are required, and you can use our products indefinitely!
Excellent Prices
With all of the great features you will find in our products, not to mention 30 days of free support and maintenance, you may be surprised at how reasonably our products are priced when compared to our competitors.
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Command Bars Library v.10.2.001 has been released!
This is a maintenance release to version 10.2 that includes corrections and enhancements.
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Sunday, December 19, 2021
Common Controls Library v.6.4.001 has been released!
This is a maintenance release to version 6.4 that includes fixes, corrections and enhancements.
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Monday, December 13, 2021
Command Bars Library v.10.2 has been released!
Added support for Visual FoxPro Advanced (10.0) 64-bit, and also corrections and improvements.
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| What's New...
Monday, December 13, 2021
Common Controls Library v.6.4 has been released!
Added support for Visual FoxPro Advanced (10.0) 64-bit, and also corrections and improvements.
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| What's New...
Friday, October 1, 2021
Command Bars Library v.10.1.016 has been released!
This is a maintenance release to version 10.1 that includes corrections and enhancements.
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Thursday, September 9, 2021
Outlook UI Library v.2.6 has been released!
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Thursday, April 4, 2019
Command Bars Library v.10.1 has been released!
Added support for Visual FoxPro Advanced (10.0) 32-bit, and also corrections and improvements.
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| What's New...
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Common Controls Library v.6.3 has been released!
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| What's New...
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Command Bars Library v.10 has been released!
Includes Windows 10 color scheme, and also fixes, corrections and enhancements.
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| What's New...
Friday, December 1, 2017
Outlook UI Library v.2.5.005 has been released!
This is a maintenance release to version 2.5 that includes fixes, corrections and enhancements.
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Saturday, September 2, 2017
Common Controls Library v.6.2 has been released!
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| What's New...
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Command Bars Library v.8.3.002 has been released!
This is a maintenance release to version 8.3 that includes fixes, corrections and enhancements.
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Wednesday, February 3, 2016
ArgTx Library v.2.1 has been released!
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Saturday, March 7, 2015
Command Bars Library v.8.3 has been released!
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| What's New...
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Outlook UI Library v.2.5.004 has been released!
This is a maintenance release to version 2.5 that includes fixes, corrections and enhancements.
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Friday, September 16, 2011
Command Bars Library v.8.2.003 has been released!
This is a maintenance release to version 8.2 that includes fixes, corrections and enhancements.
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| What's New...
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Command Bars Library v.8.2 has been released!
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Common Controls Library v.6.1 has been released!
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| What's New...
"CommandBars is like upgrading to VFP 10 two years ahead of schedule.
Highly recommended!"
Malcolm Greene